
Showing posts from March, 2019

Make your linux terminal more beautiful

Everyone wants to make him/her self more unique and more beautiful. If you are using linux then you are one of the unique operating system. In linux, most important thing is terminal. Now, this is your first priority that make your linux terminal more beautiful. Make your linux terminal more beautiful In linux there are most of the commands you need to execute in terminal. So I think we need to make more beautiful our linux terminal.  Don't need to make it more complex. Making My Terminal More Stylish Lets make our linux terminal more beautiful.  Open you linux terminal. And type this command. It will take few minutes to download. Actually it depends on you internet connection. $ sudo apt-get install cowsay If you are any other directory in linux terminal then you need to move to home directory via linux terminal, so you need to execute this command. $ cd .. if you know what I meant then you can go easily in the home directory via this command. But this is ...